A Green City

There is a commitment to creating a green and sustainable Oslo, including: cutting emissions; changing the approach to transport, city planning and buildings; and rethinking events, productions and tourism.

Covid-19 Funding

The City is learning from good practice in distributing Covid-19 emergency funding to redesign grant giving post-pandemic. This approach involves deeper collaboration with organisations in setting up funding streams, giving them greater agency.

Digital Experience

The City wants to capitalise on new, digital ways of experiencing culture developed during the pandemic – for example the Munch museum tours via social media which reached new audiences.

Attracting Visitors

With the opening of a major new library and art museum in Oslo in recent years, there has been a large influx of users and visitors to those attractions. The City wants to maintain that level of interest, reach groups not currently represented, and draw from this experience for good practice in its wider cultural offering.


Libraries are seen as a crucial element of democracy and the City is working to rebuild visitor numbers at district library level.

Diversify Cultural Offering

Post-pandemic, there is a renewed commitment to further diversify and democratise culture, bringing in new voices, and giving more focus to freedom of expression and community building.

© Images Courtesy of City of Oslo

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