City project

Is collaborative grantmaking the key to equitable funding in Vancouver?

Project: making cultural grants more equitable

The Purpose
The purpose of the Cultural Equity Grants program was to establish an innovative grant mechanism focused on equity within the arts and culture sector. It aimed to build stronger connections between the City and grant recipients through an invitation-based, non-competitive process for multi-year grants. The primary objective was to foster a collaborative relationship where staff actively engaged with invited organizations to facilitate the grant application process.

The Challenge
The challenge was the lack of a grant program that holistically addressed cultural equity in the arts and culture sector. Traditional grant processes were often competitive, leaving some underrepresented and marginalised organisations without funding. This challenge necessitated a more inclusive, transparent and equitable approach to grant distribution.

By promoting a more inclusive and equitable approach to grant distribution, the program has had a positive impact on advancing cultural equity within the arts and culture sector

The Solution
The solution was the introduction of the Cultural Equity Grants program, characterized by an innovative approach to grant distribution. The program eliminated competition, instead opting for an invitation-based system, and encouraged close collaboration between City staff and grant recipients. Organisations were encouraged to share their knowledge, identify potential future grant recipients, and work with staff to ensure equitable funding practices. This novel approach sought to address the challenge of cultural equity in the arts and culture sector by transforming the grant application process into a more inclusive and cooperative endeavour.

The Impact
Past grantees, including organisations such as the Vancouver Asian Film Festival, Afro Van Connect, Open Access Foundation for Arts and Culture, and Punjabi Market Regeneration Collective Society, have experienced the program’s benefits. By promoting a more inclusive and equitable approach to grant distribution, the program has had a positive impact on advancing cultural equity within the arts and culture sector. It signifies a shift toward greater collaboration and transparency in grant processes, leading to a more diverse and representative cultural landscape.

Source: World Cities Culture Report 2022

Images Courtesy © Getty/Canva

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